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Don't Let Go
Chapter 10
part 1 of 2

It was the day of Taylor's party. I knew Taylor HAD to have invited Alex, so I knew she was going to be there. That's really only the reason why I was going-well AND to support one of my best buds. Taylor invited Dean too. ...Lets see how thats gonna go down later.
      As I drove up to Taylor's house, there was already a ton of people there.
      I walked up Taylor's driveway. I caught a glimpse of Alex and Riley. They were already inside talking to Nicole and Taylor.
      "Logan!" Somebody called my name. I turned around. It was Dean. I gave him a high five.
      "Hey man." I replied.
      We both walked through Taylor's front door. There was a disco ball and flashing lights and lots of people were dancing. Let's see how this'll turn out, I said to myself.
      I tried occupying myself with talking to actors I've worked with in the past, but every couple minutes I would find myself sneaking a peek at Alex. I needed to stop doing that. I shook my head and focused on walking over to Nicole.
      "Hey Nicole, can you do me a favor?"
      "Uhh yeah sure, what do you need for me to do?" she curiously looked at me.
      "Well I need to get Alex alone, I need to tell her something." Nicole gave me a wierd look. She obviously knew something I didn't know.
      "I can do that." she said and strided away from me. OK THEN. I thought. I looked down to see my hands were all sweaty. I wiped them against the side of my jeans. I decided to walk outside by Taylor's pool. Then after a couple of minutes I saw Alex walking towards me out of the corner of my eye. I turned to face her.
      "Hey." she said calmly.
      "Hey" I said back. "You wanna walk with me?" I asked her.
      "Sure." she said.
      We walked and talked for awhile after that, stealing glances at each other. And then I finally gained the courage to tell her what I needed to tell her. I stopped walking.
      "Is something wrong?" Alex asked me.
      "Well there's something I need to tell you." I said looking down at my feet with my hands in my pockets.
      "I've wanted to tell you this for a long time...but I never did because I didn't know how. But I'm just going to say it." I gulped. I pulled a strand of hair away from her face. She looked at me intently.
     "Alex...I--" I was inturrupted because a fist got slammed in my face.
      My face hurt REALLY bad.
      "Riley!!!!" Alex screamed. "What was that about?!!"
      Riley ignored her. "What're you doing messing with my girl?!" he yelled in my face.
      He didn't give me time to answer. I was on the ground now and a crowd started to form around us. Then Riley kicked me in the face. And let's just say it hurt like hell.
      I looked around for Alex but she was lost in the crowd.
      Something skidded across the ground toward me and Riley. I took a good look at them. I felt a grin widen across my face. There were two toy plastic swords on the ground. Somebody wanted us to sword fight. I thought the idea of it was pretty hilarious but, when it comes to sword fighting, I'm your man.
      I leaped up on to my feet with one plastic sword in my hand. I gained on Riley. As I jabbed he would block, squabbling while he was at it. Riley's not that good. I took advantages while I was at it, but Riley never changed his facial expression. Anger.
      I remembered something Alex said about him having aggression and anger issues.
      I got up close to Riley and he blocked me, but wasn't that good enough, I smacked the hilt of his sword with my "blade" and his sword went flying into the air. Riley must've realized he was unarmed because he fell on the ground and sorta half ran, half crawled away.
      I flipped my sword in my hand. Now THAT'S how you sword fight.
      After the crowd cheered, it started to brake away. I walked around looking for Alex. I spotted Taylor and walked over to him.
      "Hey man! That was awesome!" Taylor said spotting me.
      "Uhh, ya thanks, have you seen Alex?" I asked him.
      "I think she went home." Taylor told me.
      I sprinted to my car.

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♥♥♥ Don't Let Go Chapter 10 part 1 of

1 faves · 1 comments · Apr 24, 2012 3:56pm






erica2698 · 1 decade ago
Very good, love! I absolutely love your story so far! Keep up the good work chica :) I can't wait to see how things turn out :P i don't like Riley...love you! Louie <3
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