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Letting out my anger 2

i helped this girl whith her job babysitting everyday for a month and never complained about not getting payed but she got 20 dollars a day and i did everything she just watched tv i was helping this little boy and having fun not getting payed and since i stoped helping her she has complained about her JOB she said i could never do what she does because im lazy and she thinks she is amazing but also she goes around making fun of people who play xbox because he cousin who is 7 cant read because he played xbox 24-7 and she makes fun of me for that also she goes around with the money she makes rubbing it in peoples face and i told my friend i wanted a plasma screen tv and guess what she did bough one and told me all about it for DAYS! she thinks she is an awesoe drawer because she TRACES EVERYTHING and its not good tacing its so bad you can tell and when i told her she denied it...she was in the smart kids club because she copied off my answers all the times during an couple classes and would cheat and then i soon relized when i got introuble because my work was bad but sounded likes hers but worse so i got in trouble for cheating! Thanks if u read the whole thing most likly post more later and about diffrent peopel

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Letting out my anger 2 i helped this girl whith her job babysitting

3 faves · 1 comments · Apr 23, 2012 8:16pm






Water307 · 1 decade ago
Bullsh*t. That's all I have to say.
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