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I Know What You Did Last Summer
Chapter 2.

Alicia's P.O.V.

Author's Note: So sorry for the late Chapters, haven't had time!

I get home and say hi to my baby sister, Dani and my Mom. My Father, still who where to be found. Someday I hope he'll return home and tell us he loves us all. 
"Me and my friends are going shopping Friday." I tell my Mom. 
Me and my Mother don't have a very close bond, sometimes don't even see eachother for a week since my mom works so hard and still has to take care of Dani. 
"Sure thing, are you driving?" She asks.
"I guess so" I say.
Here's the thing with my Mom, she's young and will let you do anything, but if you get into trouble she will bean you for weeks.
Hi, I'm Alicia. Golden blond hair and big blue eyes that sometimes turn brown in the sunlight. I have a secret. But, me and my girls promised not too tell anyone.
I go upstairs to my bedroom to do my homework. I take a look in the mirror. I see the scar. I haven't seen that forever. Hannah gave me that the day of June 19th 2011.
The day everything turned bad.


Questions for discussion: What did you think happened June 19th?



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I Know What You Did Last Summer Chapter 2. Alicia's P.O.V.

3 faves · Apr 12, 2012 8:41pm






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