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 This is for the girls... 

Who think they aren't worth it.
Who play by the rules so they don't get hurt.
Who are too afraid to say "I love you" back.
Who fell for their best guy friend.
Who have been put down too many times.
Who never gave up.
Who live life like there's no tomorrow.
Who miss someone close to them.
Who feel alone in a crowded room.
Who sit at home and write poetry.
Who think no one cares.
Who cry their selves to sleep every night.
Who's wrists aren't clean.
Who live in fear.
Who wait by the phone for his text.
Who lost someone dear to them.
Who never knew how it feels to be loved.
Who puts their heart and soul into every word.
Who hope for a better tomorrow.
Who wish at 11:11.

This is for the girls who inspire me.



Format by Sandrasaurus

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***** This is for the girls... Who think they aren't worth

4 faves · Apr 12, 2012 6:19pm






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