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I feel like i never sleep anymore... 
I've actually resorted in begging my mum for sleeping tablets and overdosing on painkillers just for something to knock me out but... no matter how hard i try the dream just keeps coming back and keeps waking me up to the same fate. I dont know whether to be worried or scared but it's gotten me that worked up im starting to see and hear things whilst also feeling as if im being followed. It's getting harder and harder for me to deal with and no-one understands me, not even my closest friends. They'll think im crazy if i ever told them v.v but then again... maybe i am :/ 
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I feel like i never sleep anymore... I've actually resorted

4 faves · 2 comments · Apr 3, 2012 3:50am






emilyrochester · 1 decade ago
just so you know i understand, someone in my family feels exactly the same. im always here if you need someone to talk to!x
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thingsishouldhavesaid · 1 decade ago
im the same way..
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