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Chapter 5

I opened the door to Ben. This was the most exciting moment ever. He was casual, but I was in my dress, because of Cheer, even though I wasn't in it anymore.
His Mom picked us up. She was so nice and she accepted that me and Ben were only friends.
"Hi, Aubrica. How are you?" His Mom asked.
"I'm good, how are you?" I asked, just trying to be nice.
"I'm good. So, you and Ben are just friends?" She asked.
"Yes, we're lab partners in science." I said.
"That's just great." She smiled.
We soon arrived at Maddy's house. Her house was huge, maybe that's why she's throwing the party.
I rung the door bell, Ben right next to me.
Maddy answered the door, a bunch of girls and boys behind her.
"You're not supposed to be here, Aub." She sounded disappointed.
"Why not? I am your friend." I said.
"Yeah, but only Cheerleaders are invited." She said.
"You're off the Cheer Team, Aubrica!" She shut the door.
I was speechless,  I couldn't say anything to Ben.
"Why are you off Cheer?" He asked.
"I broke my wrist." My voice crackled and I started to cry.
"Don't worry, Maddy's mean. I even know." Ben said.
He was right. Maddy was never nice to anyone. I never liked Maddy.
"What do we do now?" I asked.
"Call your Mom." He said.
I called, I cried, Mom understood.
"She's coming to pick us up." I sniffled.
Ben turns around. What was he doing?
"Ben what are you doing?" I asked, standing up from the sidewalk.
"Teaching Maddy a lesson." All he says.
Ben rings the doorbell and she answers.
"What do you want now?" She asks.
"Put Aubrica back on Cheer." He+ demanded.
I think that was the nicest thing a person has ever done for me.

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TheOut-Sider Chapter 5 I opened the door to Ben. This was the

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