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"Dear friends, As you may be aware, stack is no more. To everyone who has supported the band in any way, i cannot thank you enough. From the ones who told their friends about us to the ones who camped out before shows. For me, since the band started when I was 15, it's always been about the music I wrote and how it effected people. The greatest feeling was you singing my words back at a show, living with the albums and letting something I created be a part of your lives. These times will be some of the best of my life with the boys/the crew and we still remain the closest friends. But the show must go on. If you try to recapture yesterday you will only lose tomorrow. I am starting work on my next project which is honestly the best thing I have ever done. I'm falling in love with music all over again, feeling a fire I haven't in years. I'm heading over to LA / NY mid year to write and do music, working with artists I love & enjoying life but most importantly i feel it's time to START something again. See you on the road soon. ~ Diviney"
so broken right now :/
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"Dear friends, As you may be aware, stack is no more. To

2 faves · 1 comments · Mar 29, 2012 9:28pm






astheraindropskissmybrokenlips · 1 decade ago
I'm off about ALL of this, it was Shaun's fault, he was on hot 30 countdown last night, he mentioned Bradie but not Andy, he said they have finished the album but not releasing it, this is stupid, all his fault, his too whipped and ugh.
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