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So I request some advice.... I have part of the side of my head shaved, like around my ear. And I think it's really cool when people get like lines and designs carved into their heads. So i was thinking as a cute gesture I'd get the first letter of my boyfriend's name shaved into it as a surprise for when he gets back from vacstion. I asked the barber if he'd do it and he gave me this big speech about how that's a dumb idea and it'll curse me and my boyfirned and put it on the level of like getting a tattoo but it's just hair. It'll grow back in a few weeks and i'll get something else. So PLEASE tell me. Should I do it???????   
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So I request some advice.... I have part of the side of my head

0 faves · 1 comments · Mar 29, 2012 9:17am






Dinaa · 1 decade ago
If you think it'll make you and your bf happy then why not?(: and goodluck xo
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