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My Beautiful Girlfiend

Angel, you're my everything. Please believe that. Being on the phone with you is amazing, I just wish you would stay on with me all night. You know, just like we used to. <3
I couldn't imagine my life without you, I'm sorry fory everything. *muah* Please, do me a favor. Don't ditch me, saying stuff like "Oh, I'm tired. I'm going to go to bed," just to get away from me and go to him later on when i fall asleep.
It scares me, he scares me. You two spending time together at ALL scares me. That's just how it is and how it will be.
But, I'll fix things. And, hopefully, he won't be around for much longer. You know why, so I don't need to say it.
But you must understand, I love you. Very muchly so.

You're Sorry and Seemingly Worthless Boyfriend
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To: My Beautiful Girlfiend Angel, you're my everything. Please

9 faves · Mar 27, 2012 10:21pm






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