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I love to sing, but Im scared. Why do people have to be so mean.? I get told I have a really good voice, but I am just to scared to sing infront of people. I wish this feeling could change. When I sing, I can be myself. I feel like I must hide the real me. I love dancing and acting too. Im afraid to be infront of people. Someday, I just know this has to change. Then my dream will come true! I love you:* <3
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I love to sing, but Im scared. Why do people have to be so mean.?

3 faves · 2 comments · Mar 23, 2012 6:56pm






kimmyieo1 · 1 decade ago
I love to sing too, I get nervous singing and acting infront of people too, but I just feel so confident when I'm singing, and I can be myself, I'm postivie you sound fantastic.
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tabbykat · 1 decade ago
its hard right? I sing heaps too :) it takes my mind of everything my friends say i'm good but all the bitchy people at school are always horrible about it :/ it's hard but try not to let them get you down. I bet you have an amazing voice and it would be a shame not to use it :) xxx
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