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Dear Ex Boyfried,
umm wow where do i start? Its been 2months since I called you mine! I pass you everyday in the halls and its hard, but what is  harder about it now is when i pass you shes beisde you holding your hand. SHE is took MY spot and I can't do anything about it. i loved you so much you were my everything I was your princess and after 5 months you just threw it all away, over something that we could have worked out. I guess all that you said to me was lies and nothing really mattered to you. but thats okay cause im happy for you and her i hope you two last a long time! i just want you to know that i still love you and always will no matter what happens. and im glad we can be friends and put it all behind us!

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Dear Ex Boyfried, umm wow where do i start? Its been 2months

3 faves · Mar 21, 2012 12:20pm






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