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I need help
See I really like this guy, I've liked him since 5th grade and no one on earth knows that I like him and Im pretty sure he likes me because after the bell rings and we get dissmissed from class I go to my locker and he ussallly gets all his stuff before me but when he get into to the hall he pretends to fix his zipper but after I catch up with him he just ignores his zipper and walks with me, this happens everyday, also every time I look at him either in spanish or at lunch he is always looking at me, and when one of my friends says a joke he laugh then looks at me. So the problem is that one of my best frinds syas that she loves him, and she posts a bunch of things on facebook about how he makes her stomach fill with butterflyies and stuff and on time when I read that I litterally started to cry but I just don't think I can tell her, I mean how can she tell if she loves him when she has only known him for a few months and she compleylt skipped the like stage and just went to the love stage when I have known him sice 3rd grade and started liking him in 5th grade. I don't know what I should do, and am I the only one who thinks that he likes me????
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I need help See I really like this guy, I've liked him since

0 faves · 1 comments · Mar 17, 2012 12:15pm






peaceout97 · 1 decade ago
ignore the fact that your friend likes him and keep on walking with him. from this story im pretty convinced he likes you back. keep on doing what your doing and see what happens. you don't have to tell anyone you like him because if he finds out he might start to act awkward (awkward is normal at first)
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