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Me: You missed it ; amanda had her hair curled today!
Best Guy Friend: Ughh!!! Could you see her boobs?
Me: well i wasn't looking but i'm guessing so.
Him: I didn't think so but jw. And i didn't get to see yesterday :/
Me: You'll survive!
Him: I mite not... ;)
Me: Let me know & i'll call 911 for you ;)
Him: Better hurry! I've got the boobs flu ;)
Me:hah(: that just made my day! and they are on their way ;)
Him: amanda only ;)
Me: I'll be sure to send her ! ;)
Him: Thank you mam :P
Me: Anytime ;) get better soon!
Him: Oh I will!!
Me: (: we are such retards !
Him: sorry i like boobs ;)

I freaking love him ! (:
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Me: You missed it ; amanda had her hair curled today! Best Guy

2 faves · Mar 15, 2012 9:56pm






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