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I'm a lyricist, and I'm curious if any of y'all like my lyrics, so I'm going to post a few of the choruses from my songs and if you like what you see please comment. If you don't like them, comment as well so I can make them better :)

Let Him Go:
My heart says yes
You know what's right
Common sense says no
It'll end in tears tonight
Stupid girl, curtain's down
It's the end of the show
You aren't in his world
Let him go
Let him go

And Why Not:
When a bird stays in one place
I wonder why they haven't gone
When the whole world is theirs
And they can always move on
Then I look at myself, thinking the same,
My soul chained to the spot
I snap the manacles, take a breath
And think "Why not?"

Dress Code:
Well, sorry I'm not a size Zero
Sorry my hair ain't perfectly straight
Sorry my clothes aren't all designer
Sorry my skin isn't totally smooth
It must be so inconvenient to you
But I don't care
Your dress code
Means nothing to me
'Cause I'm me

Thanks Witty Girls :D
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I'm a lyricist, and I'm curious if any of y'all like

6 faves · 1 comments · Mar 15, 2012 10:17am






neverlookbackxoxo · 1 decade ago
Omg. I love these. <3
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