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Maybe it's the way you look at me.
Maybe it's the way you're so confindent but it's still cute.
Maybe it's you're gorgeous eyes.
Maybe it's the way you blush when i talk to you.
Maybe it's your cute little giggle.
Maybe it's the way that you smile when i tell you i love you.
Maybe it's the way you say you love me back.
Maybe it's the way you're so weird.
Maybe it's the way that we are complete opposites.
Maybe it's the way you know exactly what I'm thinking.
Maybe it's the way you hug me.
Maybe it's the way you touch my face sometimes.
Maybe it's because I'm crazy.
Maybe it's because i really do love you.
Maybe it's just because you're you. <3

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Maybe it's the way you look at me. Maybe it's the way

6 faves · Feb 28, 2012 10:30pm






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