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More Than This - 1D Fanfic♥

Chapter 2. ♥

My docking station alarm roared into life, playing Na Na Na, by One
Direction, of course. It was one of my favourite 1D songs. I grumbled, then remembered what day it was and fangirled, then beamed from ear to ear. It was 10:30 am, the concert was at 8:00 pm, in the o2, London. 9 and a half hours to go! I ran down stairs like my life depended on it and got out my Special K. I chanted Louis' saying; 'Special K, the best way to start a day!' twice and practically shovelled it down my throat. When I was done, I raced upstairs again to get my laptop, and I sat down on my messy bed, and looked around to see all my 1D posters, my signed picture of the boys, and the picture of me and Liam in Trafalgar Square in London. I started crying about how much I loved them, I was so obsessed. I calmed myself down and logged onto Twitter. I had 5 more followers. You knew it was One Direction, didn't you? I fangirled for a good 25 minutes. My 34 tweets to each of the boys asking them to follow me worked.

Chapter Three is coming very soon(:

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More Than This - 1D Fanfic♥ Chapter 2. ♥ My docking

1 faves · Feb 28, 2012 11:28am






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