Witty Profiles

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A- Available? No<3
B- Birthday? June 4th
C- Crushing on? Joey(:
D- Drink you last had? water.
E- Easiest person to talk to? My friends.(:
F- Favorite song? Someone like you, adele
G- Gumy bears or gummy worms? Gummy Worms
H- Hometown? Erie, Pennsylavina 
I-In love with? My friends & Joey
J- Jealous of? Rich people who get everything....
K- Killed someone? Um..NO!
L- Longest car ride? 8 hours.
M- Milkshake flavor? Chocolate
N- Number of siblings? 1
O- One wish? theres alot..haha
P- Person you texted last? Amanda
Q- Question you are always asked? why?
R- Reason to smile? loving life(:
S- Scars? Yes
T- Time you woke up? 6am
U- Underwear color? ...not going to say haha
V- Violent moment you had? screaming at my broher
 W- Worse habit? saying lmao..(inside joke)(:
X- X-rays you had? teeth

Y- Yoyos are? hard to use..
Z- Zodiac sign? Gemini


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AlphabetQuiz A- Available? No<3 B- Birthday? June 4th C- Crushing

4 faves · Feb 27, 2012 9:08pm






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