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Let's challenge this.

Can you bleed for a week and survive?
Anyone can bleed for a week if there isn't much blood coming out of the hole.
Can you squeeze 14 inch baby from a 9 centimeter hole?
No, we don't have the physiolodgy for that. Can you get kicked in the balls multiple times? 
Can you take care of a child, cook, clean, and talk on the phone at once?
Yes, it's called multitasking. Women didn't invent the concept. 
Can you carry 10 8 pound s.h.o.p.p.i.n.g b.a.g.s?
Of course we can. It's not that hard.
Can you go a [[week]] only eating [[salad]]?
Yes, but that doesn't sound healthy.
Can you burn your forehead with a straightener and not complain?
No, because we have superior aim. We never miss.
Can you wear a thin piece of s t r i n g in your a s s all day?
Sure, but we don't because it's obviously uncomfortable. 
Can you walk all day in 4 inch stilletos?
Physically, yes. We don't because we know they are uncomfortable and we don't want to deal with that. 
Can you cry all night then wake up the next morning like everythings okay?
Sure, but this isn' really a plus.
There is nothing on this that woman can do and a man can't. Except child birth. Assuming you've even had one. If you haven't, then you can have a nice cup of STFU until you do. 

I saw this online and thought it was true. Even though I'm a girl. 

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Boys are Stronger Than Girls? Let's challenge this. Can you

8 faves · 1 comments · Feb 26, 2012 4:07am






solocupcake · 1 decade ago
this is true but statistics say that woman face more pain and suffereing Physically, mentally, and emotionally than males will ever face. thats all because of having children too, thats not including what else we go through...
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