Witty Profiles

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-you can't open a door without saying "ALOHAMORA!"
-you start speaking in a British accent without realizing it
-when you get a headache you immediately think "Voldemort must be close!!"
-you attempt to talk to snakes
-you draw a scar on your forehead and claim that you were attacked by Lord Voldemort
-your ideal birthday present is an owl
-you can't turn on the lights without saying "LUMOS!"
-you quote the books…all the time
-you own all seven books and all eight movies
-you love the Lord of the Rings and the Chronicles of Narnia and hav a mild (or non at all because you think that she is a hipocritical, literal idiot)tolerance for Stephenie Meyer
-you really enjoy reminding all those Twilighters about the fact that Rob Patterson played Cedric Diggory FIRST and that the Warner Brothers changed the Half-Blood Prince’s release date, the first time, as to not insult Rowling’s work being released at the same time with Meyer
-you were really angry that the Whomping Willow mysteriously changed locations in the film for the Prisoner of Azkaban
-‘Cerberus’ is no longer called ‘Cerberus’ in your vocabulary, you refer to the three-headed dog, who guards Hades, as ‘Fluffy’
-you had severe Post-Potter Depression after the release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
-when you hear Celtic music you think of Seamus Finnigan
-you consider all those beneath you a Muggle
-you saw what happened to Fred Weasley in the Deathly Hallows and you considered writing a letter on his behalf to JKR – Dear J.K. Rowling, WTF?, Fred. xx
-on a serious note, you applaud anything that gets children to read in an age when not many do and were often cast out for being ‘geeky;’ Harry Potter is the bridge between that gap. Period.
-you were really sad that on your 11th Birthday you received no letter from Hogwarts…however, many years later you still have hope

25%~ rather knowledgeable Muggle
45%~ a Muggle with wizard friends/family
65%~ Squib
85%+~ welcome to Hogwarts young Grasshopper



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harry potter--YOU KNOW YOU'RE OBSESSED WHEN... -you can't

4 faves · Feb 22, 2012 7:58pm






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