Witty Profiles

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A- Available: yupp
B- Birthday: August 21st

C- Crushing On: Tiago :)

D- Drink you last had: ummm iced tea xD

E- Easiest person to talk too: Witty :)

F- Favorite song: I won't give up by Jason Mraz

G- Grossest memory: idk...
H- Hometown: ..
I- In love with: idk...

J- Jealous of: anybody with real friends.

K- Killed someone: no

L- Longest friendship: 9 years
M- Middle Name: Anneliese
N- Number of siblings: 1

O- One wish: That life can be normal again.

P- Person who called you last: ummm.....i really dont know

Q- Question you're always asked: Whats up?
R- Reason to smile: Him :)
S- Song you last sang: I'm a believer (I was watching shrek)

T- Time you woke up: 10:20ish
U- Underwear color: uhm, why? haha

V- Violent moment you had: Idk..

W- Worst habit: cracking my fingers

X- X-rays you had: my arm, ankle

Y- Your last text: Chayde, my bestiee :)

Z- Zodiac sign: Leo
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A- Available: yupp B- Birthday: August 21st C- Crushing On: Tiago

1 faves · Feb 20, 2012 12:03pm






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