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Chapter 22

1 month later

Charlie still isn't out of the hospital yet and i'm starting to wonder if he will ever make it out of there. As i sat in the window sill looking out at the rain.I was listening to my IPod when The song Without you came on. As i listened to the lyrics of the song, a tear rolled down my face and i couldn't stop thinking about Charlie and how he is doing. I wen't and got the phone to call the hospital and see when Charlie would be out. They said that they still don't know yet. So i hung up the phone and got my jumper to go see Charlie. Just as i got my bag the door bell rang. I went and answered the door.

"CHARLIE!!" I yelled and gave him the biggest hug ever
"I thaught that you wern't going to be home for ages" I yelled
"Yeah well i told the doctors to say that i wasn't going to be home for ages so i could supprise you."
"I was so worried about you" I said
"Well i'm fine i just have to take it easy."
"Ok well come inside and sit down, insted of both of us standing out in the rain."
"Ok but just one thing first"
Just as he said that he kissed me, im the rain.

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Summertime Chapter 22 1 month later ---------------------- Charlie

1 faves · 1 comments · Feb 16, 2012 5:29am






unicornn · 1 decade ago
I've actually fell in love with your story. <3 Amazing that is. I hope you'd take some time by reading the prologue of my story. "Dreams of Para-Para-Paradise." I've only just started, thank you and keep going lovely. ! <3
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