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I was sitting in the doctor’s office. I was scared out of my mind. My knees were shaking like crazy. Then they called my name. “Jessie. The doctor will see you now.” Why did this happen to me? Why was a 16 year old girl who was the most popular girl in school getting an ultrasound?
I walked into the examination room. A woman walked in and said, “Hi Jessie. I am Doctor Hutton.” I don’t say anything at first, but then I burst out in tears. I said “What will happen to me? What will my parents say?” “Jessie, calm down. Everything will be fine. First let’s get your ultrasound done then you can ask me any questions you want.” I remember clearly how warm and kind her voice was. She was so comforting.
Then we started the ultrasound. I saw its little body. I heard its little heartbeat. “Did you know that their heart starts to beat when they are about 20 days old?” said Doctor Hutton. I just sat there in amazement. Then the ultrasound was finished. She said, “Your baby is healthy and I think you are going to be a wonderful mom!” Then I said, “That’s the problem. I am thinking about getting an abortion. I don’t want anyone to know that I got pregnant when I was 16. It will ruin my life.” Then I started crying. Doctor Hutton said to me in the most comforting way that she could, “What about an abortion?” I stared at her and thought about it. “I don’t know. Will it hurt the baby?” “They don’t feel a thing!” she said. She sounded so convincing. So I agreed.
After I visited with Doctor Hutton, I kept debating with myself whether or not I should go through with the abortion. Then one night, one week before my scheduled abortion, I fell asleep right as I hit the pillow. I distinctly remember having this completely real and clear dream. I saw a little boy. He was coming down from the clouds. I heard his voice but he didn’t speak. He said, “Jessie, this is the generation of death. Do you realize that if you go through with the abortion, you will take away a life that God had created in his own likeness and image? Why are you taking away someone’s life? It isn’t their fault. The baby inside you can already feel and hear your voice. Your child already loves you and is ready for you to love them back. Don’t go through with this Jessie. God gave you this little gift. Embrace it. Love life, don’t destroy it.” Then I woke up.
That dream made me think long and hard about what I should do. Should I tell my parents? Should I get the abortion? There were so many unanswered questions about the abortion though. What would happen to my baby? Will I regret it? What life am I taking away? I got so upset about it I just decided that I would go and get the scheduled abortion.
As I got out of my car in the clinic parking lot, I saw a young girl about my age running out of the building sobbing. Her car was right next to mine. She was getting into her car and then she stopped herself. She walked toward me and asked, “Why are you going into that clinic?” still sobbing. I said, “I am… getting an abortion.” She said, “I just got one twenty minutes ago. I made the wrong decision. They say it’s too late. It’s not. They took a part of me. They took my baby. They lie to you. They tell you that you can’t go back when the procedure didn’t start yet. Why did I just do this?” She started to cry and I did too. We stood there for probably fifteen minutes just crying. I felt so bad for her. I am so lucky that she came and warned me. After we stopped crying, she got in her car and drove away. I stood there for a minute, took a deep breath and got back in my car.
When I got home, I told my parents what I went through. I told them absolutely everything, from Doctor Hutton, to my dream, to the girl at the clinic. They understood.

Hi my name is Jessie I am 21 years old. 5 years after my wonderful son was born. After you heard my story, you can now understand what mothers go through when they are concidering an abortion. I know I might sound crazy, but i truly think that the little boy in my dream was my son. He is a true gift from God. If you are concidering an abortion, think of it this way. you are basiccally killing a life that God intended to live.

Save a life <3


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Jessie I was sitting in the doctor’s office. I was scared

3 faves · Feb 14, 2012 7:08pm






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