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Beautiful Summer #87

I felt the salt water in my mouth, the first tear slid down my face. Followed by many more. This would be the last time I sat next to Ryan in a car for six months, pathetic I know. But it was the truth. And that finally hit me really hard. Ryan took my hand in his and kiss them gently. He gave me his "it's going to be fine." look. He was right, it would be fine. I tryed to pull it together after I saw Dad continue to glance over at me. I could tell seeing me cry really hurt him. After a couple more minutes I managed to slow the tears. The airplanes that once were high in the sky and the size of bugs began to get bigger and almost touch the truck the farther we drove.  A big green sign on the side of the highway read, "Willis Airport: 1 mile. Exit 20" 

The bags made a loud thud when they met the concrete sidewalk. My father slammed the tailgate, wiped his hand on his pants and reached towards Ryan. Ryan met my Father mid way and shook his hand. 
"You stay safe over there kid." My father said releasing his grip 
"Thank you sir." Ryan said as he bent down to pick up his bags.
We turned towards the big automatic doors. They felt so far away.
"I'll be here waiting when your ready Hailey" Dad said before getting into the truck

The walk to his gate felt like forever between the stopping to shake hands or giving a high five to a  small boy. Other soldiers headed out the terminal gave Ryan a nod. One shouted after his to come home soon and in one piece to his girl. A loud voice boomed overhead,"Fifteen minutes until boarding." Ryan placed his bags on the ground and placed my hands on my hips. Our foreheads came together and our eyes met. We stayed like that gazing into one and other. We kissed and hug, for a moment it felt like no one else was around. It was just us. It would all be okay.
"Flight 349, Now boarding" the voice boomed again. The tears started up again.
Ryan wiped my tears,"I love you Hailey." One last time he kissed me with passion.
With my arms around his neck I hugged him, kissed his cheek and whispered,
"Promise me you'll come home?"

"I promise. I will always be with you. I will always love you"
And with that he gathered his bags and walked towards the doors.
Looking back only once I saw his tear filled eyes but a small reassuring smile.
Goodbye everything. 



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Beautiful Summer #87 I felt the salt water in my mouth, the first

6 faves · 1 comments · Feb 8, 2012 3:39pm






1234vampiregoddess1234 · 1 decade ago
tears its so sad plz continue tho i have to find out if he makes it or not this is one of the best stories i have read on witty ur an amazing writer keep it up
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