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I am so Ugly.

I want to look different.
I want to re-arrange my face.
Looking in the mirror brings me feelings of disgrace.
I know I am repulsive,
And revolting to the eye.
Every time I think of it,
I sit down, and I cry.
I hate myself,
I hate my mind,
And everything I do.
The one thing I am happy for,
Is the fact I have you.
You told me I was beautiful,
Even though my hideous features
Hang there, upon my face.
Appalling, is the truth.
I am so Ugly.


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I am so Ugly. I want to look different. I want to re-arrange

5 faves · 4 comments · Feb 6, 2012 1:19am






KennyBarton · 1 decade ago
Emily, you're amazing. I don't understand how you can think so badly about your self. You're beautiful and you shouldn't be so ruff on your self. You're good on the inside and out, not many girls are like that. Just be greatful that you have good friends and good personality. Don't let little insecurites get you down. I'm always here if you want to talk.
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cowgirl12 · 1 decade ago
Words, do hurt. I have been called a million names, I just learned to let them define who the person who said them to me. Instead of letting them define me. Try to fight enough that you will teach them that what they say goes in one ear and out the other ... never touching your heart or soul or even staying in your mind. Learn that fighting for the right to be who you are. Stay Strong and fight! Never let them win.
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Ineedmakyinme · 1 decade ago
Alot of people will comment saying your beautiful and so will i. Your beautiful who gives a fudge what other people have to say. They dont matter. They clearly are jealous of you. Your amazingly beautiful. People can say what they want. Let there hate make you stronger and realize your better and much more beautiful then them. At the end of the day, nobody's words/opinions/thoughts matter except for yours. Stay true to yourself. In your life, you and the ones you love only matter <3
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cowgirl12 · 1 decade ago
you are not ugly... you are beautiful just the way you are!!
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