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This Is A Game Of Regrets
Milah- Ch. II, Pt. 2

From that day on my sprit was broken. I hated getting close to everyone in my class. Katia, Aero, Tyton, Ara, Berroe, Ginia, Sanders, Beo, and later, Gera. I
hated it. But I couldn't help myself. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't help but love them. I was hoping to be able to be strong, and aloof. I never wanted to go through that pain again. Everyday I got closer to them, I would have nightmares every night. Always the same, only sometimes different groups of people or the same group but switched places. I relived Ross's death every night after that. Only it wasn't Ross at first. It was usually Aero, Mido, Berroe or Katia. I couldn't handle it. Sometimes Katia or Vida was Josh, and I saw her undead body mutilated until it became President Snow.  Sometimes Plex was there to. Sometimes though, in the worst of my nightmares, Plex wasn't one of my friends. He was a Peacekeeper. Sometimes he was all of the Peacekeepers. I slowly went more and more crazy. The only thing that kept me from going completely insane was the unconditional love that was sent my way each and every day from the very people I had nightmares about every night. I still have them to this day. And I will have them to the day I die.
My lost brother escorts me to a long white limo outside the building. As I step inside I see everyone else is already seated. I turn and look at Benji. He looks into my eyes with love and loss. His broken eyes tell me everything. Brandon is dead. That was the gunshot I heard. I feel tears start to build up but I hold them back. Benji nods and shuts the door. I see there is an empty seat next to Sean. I sit with. "So where are we going?" I ask. "City Circle." Grase answers, "For the parade I think." "Ooh, now we get to meet our stylists and prep team." "Oooh! I am just jumping out of my skin with excitement!" He says sarcastically, rolling his eyes. I smile. 

The windows on the limo are darkened so we see nothing of the outside. When we get out we seem to be in some sort of parking garage. They lead us into the building and usher us into seperate rooms. As I walk into a small room that looks like a mini salon, 3 people come out to greet me. One is a small, perky girl with tan skin, purple hair, eyes, eyelashes, lips, nails and tattoos of various shapes. Another is a very muscular guy with soft, short blond hair, and brown eyes. The last is another boy. He has black smooth, fippy hair like that Bieber kid I saw on a Capitol billboard during the train ride. He has tan skin, subtle muscles, pink lips, perfect teeth, and bright green eyes. "Hey, I'm Muse." He says. "I'm Ophelia!" Says the girl. "And my name is Tyton." Says the blond guy. (Tyton is a pretty common name) Well at least their skin is normal, and they have pretty cool names. "Hello," I say "My name is-" "We already know who you are Kiah. Cool name by the way." Muse interrupts. "Thanks. Your names are pretty cool too..." I say cautiously. I am wary of them. I don't give my trust to these kind of people. Despite this, I blush. I don't know what has come over me! It's like I am meeting my idol. Nuh uh, no one can make me feel like that but the Beatles. And their dead, so NOBODY whatsoever! The other two roll their eyes. "Muse, you don't need to use your spell on everyone. Muse grins. Ugh...
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This Is A Game Of Regrets Milah- Ch. II, Pt. 2 From that day

1 faves · 2 comments · Feb 4, 2012 4:09pm

Kiah Papaya*


Kiah Papaya*



Kiah Papaya* · 1 decade ago
ooh craap! where it says Sean thts supposed to be Grase, and where it says Kiah its supposed to be Milah!! Sorry! :/

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_imaginaryenemy · 1 decade ago
Hi.Haha i like it your story.Could you read mine too? Only if you want though, haha.
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