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Why Did You Lie

Chapter 2

I decided to call my best friend, Julia. It was 3 in the morning and I couldn't fall asleep. Jacob was running through my head every second.
"J-uuuuuuuuuu-j-uuuuuuu! I can't sleep! Jacob is gone and I keep thinking of him!"
"Huh?" I heard some rustling on Julia's side of the phone, and I heard her say "Nobody."
"Julia! Did you hear me? It's Aubry."
"Oh, sorry! Hi Aub! I was talking to my mom."
"I'm so upset! What if Jacob gets a new girlfriend in wherever his new home is?"
"Awwh, hon! Jacob would never! If it makes you feel better, I can go back to California for a few days?"
"Don't be silly! I'll be fine."
I heard some shouting, it sounded like "Get back here!"
"Sorry, Aub, gotta go! Call you tomorrow!"
Her line disconnected and I texted Jacob.
Aubry: Hey Jacob. Can't sleep. Missing U. Wanna video chat? <3
Jacob: Yea. Just let me get on my laptop. (:
Jacob's PoV
"Ugh! It's fine, I'll get it." I crawled out from under the sheets and grabbed my phone. It was a text from Aubry. I quickly replied and got back into bed.
"Baby, I gotta go to the bathroom, be right back."
I quickly slipped on a pair of sweatpants and got my laptop, and went inside the bathroom. I logged onto Skype and Aubry instantly invited me. I clicked accept.
Aubry: Hi Jacob. Missed U so much... :)
Jacob: I miss you too.
Aubry: Soo Jacob, Whats so important that u just couldnt tell me but had 2 move for? Its been bothering me.
Jacob: Aubry, its NBD. I will be back like in a month...
Aubry: I wont stop bothering U until U tell me :P
Jacob: Fine, Im in Sydney for my moms business trip, and she doesnt trust me living on my own OK? >.<
Aubry: Haha. Ok.
Aubry's PoV
I heard some shouting from Jacob's camera. I saw a nervous look on Jacob's face, but he quickly smiled when he realized I was staring at him.
Jacob: Sorry :P
Aubry: Haha its ok. What was that shouting tho?
Jacob: Huh? Oh it was just my mom. She wanted me to wash the dishes.
Aubry: Oh Ok :( Well bye then?
Jacob: Nah, I'd rather stay and talk to you. :)
Aubry: Aww how sweet :)
I heard the shouting again.
It sounded like a girl. Not a woman, but a teenage girl.
I took a closer look at Jacob's surroundings, he was in thwebcam in the bathroom?
Aubry: Uhh y are u camming in the bathroom? Just Wondering :P
Jacob: I had to hide here.. Im not supposed to be on XD
Jacob: Dam, gotta go now. Love U <3
Jacob ended the Skype call and I shut off my laptop, and climbed back into bed.
I felt like Jacob was hiding something from me.
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Why Did You Lie Chapter 2 I decided to call my best friend, Julia.

2 faves · Jan 30, 2012 11:40pm






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