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i'm 17, i've been living with my sister who i 16 years older than me, yes i know she is a lot older than me, don't judge. i've been living with her since january 2011. i left my mom's house (i don't talk to my dad) because she would verbally abuse me. call me a b*itch, c*nt, tell me to go to hell, and stuff like that. she would often tell me to move out because my "attitude" got to the point where she couldn't handle it. in the past 17 years, i can honstly say i've spent more time with my sister than my mom. and that's how i would like it to be. but about four months ago, my mom decided she wanted me to come back home..i refused. she called the cops on me and they came and got my from my sister's house one day after school. i bawled my eyes out and she finally took me back. she got my school involved too. she thought maybe the school counselor would have some advice..she didn't. it only made matters worse. the counselor told the principal. then about 2 months ago the school principal called me into his office. he told me i had a week to move back with my mom or i couldn't go to school there anymore. i never moved back. and just this morning he called me into his office again..i knew what i was for. he told me i have til february 6th to pack all my stuff and move back in with my mom or i can't go to school there anymore. apparently it's a "policy" that if you go to school there you must live with your legal guardian..which is complete bull. but yeah..what am i supposed to do? suck it up and take the abuse or change schools? i have no idea..i just feel like crying. if you read this, thank you so much! i just needed to vent..it's been rough the past couple months.. 
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i'm 17, i've been living with my sister who i 16 years

0 faves · 1 comments · Jan 28, 2012 12:23pm






XODanieXO · 1 decade ago
honestly the abuse isnt worth it. maybe a completly fresh start is better anyways
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