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The Last.
Chapter 7.

I woke up my phone totally blown up. 15 missed messages from Zach, 2 missed messages from Kara, 4 missed messages from Emma, 1 from Chelsey, and 3 from Casey. She was the kind of person who would be to lazy to get up, so, she would just text me about it. She was in her room constantly. But then again, I was too. I normally just sat there on oovoo with Zach or Pat. I replied to most of them.  The next few weeks went by very fast. The next thing i remember was laying in bed watching tv and having my mom crying and my dad throwing clothes on and running out the door with my mom. It was only 2 in the morning. I started getting worried. I was awake the whole night.
3 am.
4 am.
6 am.
7 am.
Still nothing from my parents. Im skipping school i thought. I just cant go. I finally fell asleep in the middle of Jersey Shore. I was awaken by the door opening. My Mother was sad and my dad was very grumpy. Something bad had happened and i knew Casey knew about it. She was acting weird. Well, weirder than normal.

Feedback would be great! Should i keep writing? Let me know how im doing please!

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The Last. Chapter 7. I woke up my phone totally blown up. 15

0 faves · Jan 25, 2012 9:43pm




