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Daddy Why D'you Do It?
Chapter 19
Scarlet Marie's POV

"Here's your room" said Jake, while pointing to a huge blue room.

"Thanks" I said.
"Your kinda cute" Jake said.
I blushed.
"Ohhhhhh Jake and Scarlet sittin' in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G...." sang Mike.
I scolded him, and told him to go put his stuff on a bed.
My phone started vibrating.
"Hello?" I asked.
"Scarlet. I'm in jail. The police caught me driving. Please come bail me out" I heard Liam

"Your what?" I screamed.
"I'm in jail! Come bail me out!" Liam said louder and angrier.
"How much?" I asked.
"$750" he said.
"I-I don't have the m-"
"Just try Scarlet" Liam said.
"Time's up!" I heard a man say from the background.
All of the sudden there was a beeping sound coming from the phone.
I hung up.
"What's wrong?" asked Jake.
"Uh, my friend Liam is in jail and he need's me to bail him out" I said.
"You mean Liam Duke?" Jake asked.
"Yeah. Why?" I said.
"We're like best friends. How much does he need?" Jake asked me.
"$750" I said.
"Lemme get the money and we'll go" he said while running towards a giant door.
10 minutes later we were in his BMW going towards the jail.
"Scarwet, where are we going?" Mike asked.
"We're going to go get Liam" I told him.
I sat there thinking about how Liam could've even had a car!
My phone vibrated.
"Hello?" I asked.
"Scarlet! Where are you? Is Mike with you?" I heard my mother yell.
"Uh, I-I think y-you've got the wrong number" I said in a british accent.
"Oh, sorry miss" my mother said.
I hung up.
My phone vibrated again.
"Hello?" I asked.
"Scarlet is it you?" my mother asked.
"Sorry but I think you have the wrong number" I said, faking a british accent.
I hung up before she could say anything else.
"What's up with the british accent?" Jake asked.
" Uh, um , nothing" I replied quickly.
We pulled into the parking lot at the jail.
I was thinking about how Liam had been driving without a lisence.
"Jake, how old are you?" I asked him.
"15. Why?" he said.
Before I could answer his questions a police officer went up to Jake's window and tapped.
I knew this wasn't going to turn out well because Jake was famous and most people knew how old he was...

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Daddy Why D'you Do It? Chapter 19 Scarlet Marie's POV

11 faves · 3 comments · Jan 22, 2012 1:13pm






monkeydancer98 · 1 decade ago
please notify me!!
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panddabearr · 1 decade ago
~Notify, gracias(:
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TuckersGirl · 1 decade ago
Please let me know when the next chapter is up!(:
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