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8/29/11           Kylie,
I was going to write poems and what not (and I did), but I decided to write you a note instead. So I was thinking of you (when don't I?!) and I guess I found a way to put into words what makes me love you. I think I have it down. Wow! Where to begin? Well, I know you're more than beautiful and just a little to the left of perfect (seriously though, you can wear anything, and I'd love you the same even if you weren't beautiful) Your sense of humor is un-repeatable. Just looking at you makes me smile. I think it's hilarious that you never see yourself as beautiful as you really are. And I love it when you smile and nobody is saying anything. You're bold and independent and you wear that so well! Drama?... No, I consider it a rollercoaster everyday. I've gone through so many girls... and I keep coming back to you. I'll wait 10?... Maybe 50 years? I'll follow you to the ends of the Earth and back. I love you for what you do and don't do.

Your friend with love and patience,

1/20/12          Alex,

Everything fell apart so quickly from that point on, and I never really got around to answering you. Even though you're not going to see this, I figured I should still write it. To start, I'm no where near perfect- and I think you know that now. I bet you'd take back these words in a heartbeat had I not saved this letter. I've just read it for the first time since that day.... My sense of humor is lacking, and pretty dry. Lately it's like I'm the only one who hears me. When you look at me now, you don't smile, you turn your head and look away. You don't spare me a second glance. I'd smile when no one said anything because I was pretty spacey, I never did it on purpose, it probably looked really stupid. I'm neither bold nor independent, I'm a follower. I can barely make my own decisions and since you've stopped backing me up, it's like no one really cares about my opinions. There was always drama with me... ALWAYS. But you were there to stop it or fix it. You've gotten over me, you said it yourself, and stopped coming back to me. It stings to know that I hurt you so much. You won't wait for me or follow me ever again because I broke your heart. I didn't think you were good enough, but I don't know why, because the fact that you were the only person I honestly trusted should have been a sign. I was so completely blind to you, and your big words scared me. I hated the fact that you said you loved me, because I thought that you were being way to rational. You don't love me anymore. We're no longer friends and you have no love or patience for me. I guess I really hurt you, because no matter how many times I've tried to contact you since, you ignore me or make excuses to get away. I wanted to and still want to fix things between us, but it's probably better that you ignore me. I still don't feel the same way for you, but I honestly never gave you a fair chance. Life isn't fair, though. So maybe this happened for a reason, like they say. Maybe I was never supposed to meet you or know you. I don't really care, I just wish you knew that I was sorry.
As simple as that. Sorry.

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8/29/11 Kylie, I was going to write poems and what not (and I

3 faves · 2 comments · Jan 20, 2012 12:25pm






izzyboo13 · 1 decade ago
yes it is.
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Shavonte · 1 decade ago
Awww,, is that true??x
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