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Being A Teenager
Chapter 24 (one of the last few chapters) sorry but the story is boring me!! i already have ideas for a new one and well umm yeah.
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When I finished explaining his face had a shocked expression, He was about to say something but I cut him off and quickly said “I don’t know what to do if I go home he will get me but if I go to Fi’s I would have to sleep with Thomas or near Thomas and for Marc he will probably never sleep, I came to you …. Well because enie menniie miney mo pointed me in your direction” I said the last part with a giggle. He looked at me and tried to laugh but couldn’t he looked deep into my eyes and said “go to the cops… or stay with me”

“ I rather not go to the cops, but if I stay with you can marc too?” I asked a little worried.
“yeah, I will open the couch bed in the basemnt” he said with a sigh

“OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU!” I shouted as I gave him a hug. He looked a little disappointed but I was too happy to ask him why.

“I am going to tell my mom we are having company” he said as he walked out of the room. I was so happy he would let me and Marc stay so I called marc up

“He-Ello” he said as he picked up the phone, you could tell he was crying.

“Hi babe!” I said peppy and cheerfull.


“Yuppppp, why are you so sad?”

“well because I thought he, but where and who. where the heck are you!” he shouted after thinking aloud.

“I am at Josh’s house, and guess what?”

“Why are you at Joshs?”

“I will explain that later now guess what”

He syed and answered with a low “what?’
“Josh is letting me and you stay here until we figure out what to do about Nick! Can you believe it!”

“Ok, but why am I coming?” he asked seriously.

“B-b-bbe-be-be-cause I wanted you too and I thought you would have wanted too, too”

“Yeah well I think I will pass on that and you can do whatever you want”
“Why are you being like this?”

“Because…” before he finished his sentence he hung up. GREAT! I totally messed that up, when I put the phone down Josh came into his room again.
“I want to go to the cops and tell them” I told him.


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Being A Teenager Chapter 24 (one of the last few chapters) sorry

5 faves · Jan 17, 2012 11:48pm






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