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STOP being afraid
Love with all that you have.
Be inspired. 
Draw on your hands . 
C r y a l l t h e t i m e . 
Laugh until you can't even breathe
T a k e a s h o t 
Smile at e v e r y o n e you see in the hall. 
Be cautious of what you say . 
Put something in the world that wasn't there before.
Disregard the clock and keep your own time . 
Sing out loud to your iPod. 
Dance in the middle of the hallway . 
Say I Love You  
Stop holding back your feelings. 
It's so overstated, but you only live once
R i g h t  n o w  i s  y o u r  c h a n c e .  
Take it.♥
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STOP being afraid Love with all that you have. Be inspired.

9 faves · Jan 16, 2012 11:20pm






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