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The Last.
Chapter 3.

I sat there. Watching the clock, 5 more min until lunch. I was starving. I normally only eat lunch, but I didnt eat anything the day before.
The bell had rung and class was dismissed! I walked out of art history and found Kara and Ashley waiting for me.
"Hey boo!" Kara gave me a grin.
We began walking to our lockers and I watched a teacher give me a look of discust. I was beggining to get used to them. I needed to get used to the fact that i had done something terribly wrong, and now, i need to face the consiquenses. Even if i didnt like the idea. I still put myself under it.
"C'mon Liz! Im hungry!"
"Hold on Kara!" Gosh, she could be so impatient! We sat at the same table, just at different ends. We walked into the lunch room and i found Emma and Chelsey. Emma had on a bright pink Victoria Secret hoodie and yoga pants on.
"Wow, i can see you from a mile away here girly!!"
She laughed but was more quiet than usual.
We finished our lunch and the rest of the day went by in a flash. Then came gym. I hated gym with a firey passion. Not because i wasnt athletic, but because of all the hard a**es. Most of them were on the hockey team that had seen the pictures.
Two min before ninth period begins, i think im gonna be sick...

Feedback would be great! Should i keep writing? Let me know how im doing please!

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The Last. Chapter 3. I sat there. Watching the clock, 5 more

0 faves · Jan 14, 2012 10:38am




