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This is my first time venting. At least on witty. So heres my problem i guess you could say.I was born and raised in California. My home, family, friends, and life was there. My dad lost his job so me and my parents,  lil brother,  older sister had to move in with my grandparents and share one  tiny room. My sister moved away to iowa to go to college and my parents thought it was best that we follow. so we moved to nebraska my senior year of high school. At first i was actually excited starting a new school, meeting new ppl. but when school started i struggled making friends and didn't (still don't) have anything to do whenever i'm home. i talk to ppl in class but i'm not happy. Its my senior year, the year where everything is suppose to be amazing yet i'm unhappy and don't know what to do. I try to put myself out there and make friends but it just doesnt work. i feel so lost. this place isn't my home but when i think about going back to cali. the only person i think actually misses me there besides my family is my best friend. I don't know where my place in the world is and it freaks me out. everyone around seems to know or at least have some idea of what they want in life when i'm completly clueless. what makes me happy is traveling. i love going to new places and seeing new things. but i really don't think i'll ever find a job or career in that so i'm just stuck.

i'm sorry this was so long but i hope you read and can help me out. =]
also idk why the spacing is weird to sorry it takes up alot of space. i'm sorta new at this

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PLEASE READ!!!!! This is my first time venting. At least on witty.

1 faves · Jan 10, 2012 11:22pm






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