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This Totally Bites!
Up For A Snack? Chapter 1
  Okay so here is my problem.
Most people don't believe me. But I'll let you in on a little secret.
I'm a vampire.
So if you believe me then lets continue onto my story,
I entered school super early. Vampires don't like the sun, O.o
I ran into the school when I saw a boy with a yellow belt across his chest.
Guessing he is some kind of patrol person or something. He stopped me asking
questions like, "Good Morning Miss Newbie! My name is Drake! And You are? And Why are you
Walking around the school at 5:00 missy?" He asked Vigilantly,
"Okay? My name is Paisley. My Mom Works Around 6:00  so She Drops
Me off here at 5:00.." I said lying hoping he wouldn't notice.
"Oh okay See Ya Around!" he said obviously not caring AT ALL about the truth.
"Wait..." I asked grabbing his shoulder. "What is it Pale Paisley!?" He said loudly.
"Pale Paisley? I'm sure even a duck can do better then that." I said irritatedly.
"Anyways can you show me around? I have some dude named Mr.Shaws for first hour. Is he annoying?"
I asked grinning happily. "He's alright I guess" He said while winking and forwarding me to follow
him as he walked into the building. He led me into the lobby showing me where Mr.Shaws class was.
He wrote down all the directions from the lobby to  all my classes plus the lunch room,office,
and cafeteria. "Thanks so much! You were a big great help!" I said while hugging him.
" Wait!" He said sounding a lot like me 10 minutes ago. "Do you want to grab a bite after school today?"
He asked.. My heart started to pump. Wow boys at this school are really  desperate if they'd ask out a girl
who they just called pale. i thought to myself. "Sure Why not! Want to meet up at.... That tree!" I said while pointing at
the window at a tree. "Okay see ya later!" he said while walking away.
"Wait!" I said again blushing. " Okay we really need to stop doing that! And can you add me as
a contact on your cellphone?" I asked while blushing.
we exchanged phones and made eachothers phone have us as contacts. I waved and walked back outside.
This day I going to be PERFECT. I know where to go, I know which teachers to look out for, and I alreadu have
a date!
This Totally BITES!


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This Totally Bites! Up For A Snack? Chapter 1 Okay so here is

0 faves · Jan 9, 2012 11:03pm




