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Russian Roulette 
three// Caleb
Jordan smiled and spun the gun again, looking right at me.
"Round and round..." Jane whispered as the gun started to slow down. I wanted to tell her to stop doing that. It was kind of funny the first time, but the second was just obnoxious.
Krista was watching my expression intently. I could've told her right then that I cheated on her. I knew that was her question.
 Yeah, I cheated on my girlfriend. I cheated on her with Jordan, but, in my defense, I never wanted to date Krista in the first place.
I was a life guard, saved her once, her dad is 6'9 and a thousand pounds (yes, that's a joke, he's just really muscular) and he scares the fudge out of me.
He'd scare you too if you were his only daughter's first 'kiss'.
I was saving her life! That was not a kiss. But, I guess I gave in because I like my legs too much to have them snapped in half by hands big enough to wrap all the way around my stomach.
So, I led Krista on for a while and planned on dumping her tonight, right before this stupid 'party' that Jordan forced us all to attend. 
The gun pointed straight at me, just my luck.
I have to say, having a gun pointed at you: not the best feeling. I didn't feel so safe and sound with a bullet potentially staring me in the face with it's ugliness.
"So, Caleb, truth or death?" Jordan asked, her hand on the gun.
"Truth." I said. I hesitated. Maybe shooting myself in the leg would be better than having both my legs snapped in half....
"Truth." I repeated, a bit louder.
"Okay, anybody have a question?" Jordan asked, looking straight at Krista.
"I do." Krista said to her coldly, half-way raising hand, as if we were in class.
"Let's here it, princess." Jordan said, an amused looking making its way onto her face.
"Did you cheat on me?" Krista asked, turning to me.
"Yup. I made out with Jordan." I said, smiling at her. Krista gasped and slapped me.
"I'm calling my daddy as soon as this is over!" She screamed, standing up and dragging her chair to the othe side of the table. 
I rolled my eyes. That was Krista: always the drama queen.                                                  

written by// sugar_spice_and_everything_nice
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Russian Roulette three// Caleb Jordan smiled and spun the gun

2 faves · 1 comments · Jan 7, 2012 9:13pm






teenagedreamer14 · 1 decade ago
its getting interesting! can't wait for the next chapter(:
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