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To whomever this should concern,
My favorite, and many others also, website might be shut down because there is excessive swearing. This site is for teenagers to vent and express their ideas without being judged. Many of them have problems fitting in, eating disorders, cancer, hurt themselves, attempted suicide, family issues, sexuality problems, pregnancy, and/or been involved with the law. I'm not saying all of them do, nor are ANY of them bad kids. We're teens, we swear to express ourselves. We don't know any better and never did we think that our website would be shut down. Witty has saved many lives. Everyone on that site has come together to clean up our language and if you shut this site down, a lot of hearts will be crushed and a lot of lives will have nothing to live for because this was their only way to be happy and escape their life. If you shut this website down, the lives of the members are in you hands and on your conscience. You probably never thought that one little website could mean this much to so many people, but it can and it means more to us than you'll ever know. Please don't shut Witty down. Please help us.

If you read this, thank you from the bottom of my heart.
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Someone submitted this to Google: (repost to spread the word)

6 faves · Jan 7, 2012 8:05pm






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