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Love me or love me not!
Chapter Nine.

I woke up the next morning and I felt like crap. I went and looked in the mirror and was horrified at how bad I looked. I hopped in the shower and just let the hot water hit me as i started to cry my eyes out again. I was in the shower for about 45 minutes when it atarted to get cold so i got out. I threw on some sweats and just layed back on my bed. All of the sudden my phone started vibrating so I picked it up. It was Tiff.

Tiff: Hey girl, there's a party tonight at Jakes. Wanna go?

I really didnt want to go but why should I just sit in the house and pout. Might as well go.

Me: Yeah sure! Wanna come over so we can get ready?

Tiff: Yeah! Be there in 10 :)

Me: kk :)

About 15 minutes later Tiff showed up and we started to look through my closet for something to wear. "Bellah you totally have to wear this!"

She pulled out and black & white strapless dress and black pumps.

I hope blakes going to be there because his mouth is going to drop!

I put one some cute jewlery to go with it and straightened my hair.

Tiff did my make up to perfection and by the time we were both done it was already 9:30.

We both hopped in the car and headed to Jakes.




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Love me or love me not! Chapter Nine. I woke up the next morning

3 faves · Jan 4, 2012 3:17pm






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