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Love me or love me not!
Chapter Eight.

Once we got to the beach we were both awkwardly silent. I didnt know what was going on but i knew something was wrong with Blake. So instead of sitting here in silense i got up the nerver to actually ask him. "what's wrong blake?", I asked. "I have to talk to you about something", he responded.

Ok now i'm nervous. I should have just kept my mouth shut.

"ok, what is it?"

"I really really like you Bellah, but I dont think we can be together"

I just stood their silent homding back the tears.

"I don't want to ruin things between you and Tiff and I dont want to be the one to break you heart. I just cant bare it."

Little did he know he was the one who just broke my heart.

I turned around and ran away as the tears started to pour down my face like a water fall. How could I have been so stupid? I just kept running and running. I felt like i had ran a marathon by the time i reached my house. I ran up to my room, slid down my door and just cried for what seemed like hours. How could this happen to me? I was only like 2 days but i had been crushing on Blake for the longest time. Ughhhh why me?



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Love me or love me not! Chapter Eight. Once we got to the beach

3 faves · Jan 4, 2012 2:53pm






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