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Okay so as you all know, I am a lesbian
I have two sibilings, who are both straight. 
I found out that they are allowed to start dating when they are 15. 
I asked my parents when I could start dating. 
You know what they said?

"As long as you live under this roof, you are NOT aloud to date. Unless, of course, you change your mind and decide to become straight."

Mom. Dad. Being lesbian is not a choice. It's not like I can all of a sudden decide to like guys. It's just like you can't decide all of sudden to like girls. It's just how I am. I am proud to be lesbian. 

Does anybody else think that what they said was wrong...? Or is it just me...
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Okay so as you all know, I am a lesbian. I have two sibilings,

4 faves · 3 comments · Jan 3, 2012 3:34pm






Whitecherry · 1 decade ago
That's honestly one of the worst things. You don't choose your sexuality. It's not a choice. Not at all.
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totalfreak · 1 decade ago
Thats stupid and it is your choice, to be who you are.
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bananabot · 1 decade ago
that's not right. they shouldn't do that.
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