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My dream is becoming a model. it works for me, it's what i'm good at, & i work hard for it. I'm so close to my dream, until you came along. you've done nothing but bring me down. & made me believe so little in myself, that i have no idea what's possible anymore.

this is basically pointless, mainly just vent that i can't tell anyone but witty.

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My dream is becoming a model. it works for me, it's what

1 faves · 2 comments · Jan 2, 2012 2:21am






hershey_kiss · 1 decade ago
babydoll, you go for it, you can be a model. start out with taking a lot of pictures, maybe find a modeling agency near you, and boom. you can do it, krissy!
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JustAnotherArtist* · 1 decade ago
Hun, you're gorgeous, you'd be great model material. Try and make friends with some kids around school who're into photography, you can practive modeling at your age with that.
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