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You'll Never Know If You Never Try. 
Chapter 6.
Me& lexi were sitting on my bed, listening to our favorite band, NeverShoutNever, whenever i heard my dog barking. He barks at everything though, so i didn't think they were here, so we just sat on my bed, about 5  minutes later lexi says, "i think there here." 
"why? my mom would've said something." 
"or, she took this time to embarrass you infront of your boyfriend& his friends." 
"oh.my.god." i stood up, & ran downstairs. Just in time to hear my mom tell the story of when i layed down in my dogs poop,& ran through the house.
"hahahaah, that's great. she actually layed in it?" jordan said inbetween his laughs.
"Yea! she was playing hide&seek with her sister, unbeilieveable." my mom said.
"i guessing you met Jordan?" i said. 
"oh hey kaylee!" Jordan said, hugging me.
"Ya, he's a sweet boy. anyways, i ordered a pizza. No going in your room. so, you guys can stay downstairs in the game-room." my mom said, &walked away.
"so, she told you the poop story huh?" i said.
"hahaha, yea. that's priceless. she was about to pull out the baby pictures, then you came down." He said. 
"so embarrassing.. but let's go downstairs." i said, leading them down to my gameroom.
"wow. nice house." one of his friends said, " a air hockey table! sweet." 
"hey! i am the best person at air hockey, i'm playing first, with Trey, whoever wins, plays the next person." Lexi said. she's in love with air hockey. aha.
"So, that leaves us.. unless you wanna play air hockey?" i said. 
i don't think he heard me because he said "whoa, you have kinnect!? can we play pleasseeee?" 
"haha, alright. but i'm beast at this, i don't think your gunna win little boy." i said.
"mhmm, i'll crush you." 
"let's do this then." 
We played kinnect for like 10 minutes, then he said, "Now Kaylee, there playing air hockey, not even paying attention, & we're playing kinnect? come here." He grabbed my waist, pulled me close to himm &kissed me. My lips touched his, for the second time ever. it was the best kiss, ever. better then the one at IceCastle. &it was longer. his hands moved up&down my back while my hands where around his neck, touching his hair. i pushed him over on the couch, sat on top of him&continued kissing him. 
"Ohkay now children, let's keep this PG." lexi said. 
we stopped kissing & looked at eachother i smiled, & put my head on his chest. sitting on him, on the couch. i was content.


sorry this is short! but, i wanted to get another chapter up, before i left my house to go to a new years party. happy new year!♥ This is my sixth Chapter. i hope you guys like itt.♥ comment & fave, & follow! 
i"ll follow back. !

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------------------------- You'll Never Know If You Never

6 faves · 4 comments · Dec 31, 2011 4:12pm






memegirl · 1 decade ago
awwwww. This just made my day! its sooo adorable. my best friend was telling me about this story so i had to read it!!!

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music4ever23z · 1 decade ago
i like the story so far its really good:D i started to write a story i only hve one chapter up can you check it out an tell me wat u think???
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xoxjillxox101 · 1 decade ago
i loved it it wasy so sweet!! ur a rlly good writer.
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PinkQT · 1 decade ago
I love these!! They are sooo good!!

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