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Hello. You have reached the Celebrity Stalking Service. We stalk all types of celebritys for your convievience. Please leave us your name, phone number, celebrity you'd like us to stalk, why you want us to stalk he/she, a brief message and we will try to get back to you as soon as we can. Also tell us a good enough reason you would like us to stalk your celebrity nad you might win the prize of the week! The prize of the week is you get to meet your celebrity! Other wise we will call you and make sure you have your visa card ready and your pictures will be sent within a week of the stalking period. Thank you and we appreciate your business! The Celebrity Stalking Services of America!

haha lol a business me and my friends founded idc u can take credit
IM BrIgSy9 for more!
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Hello. You have reached the Celebrity Stalking Service. We stalk

1 faves · Sep 20, 2004 1:56pm





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