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Love me or love me not!


I can't help but sit here and think about him constantly. Even when I least expect it he pops into my mind and its not always at the best times. If your wondering, his name is Blake and he is DROP DEAD GORGEOUS! He's tall dark and handsome. Except those electric blue eyes. He is the most amazing person in the world. If only he actually knew what he ment to me. This all goes back to the summer. By the way my name's Bellah, no its not abreviated that's my actual name. I live in california and I love it here. Anyways, I'm 5'5", I have blonde hair and blue eyes. I'm skinny but not a stick. I'm pretty popular and I am in my senior year of high school (THANK GOD). My favorite thing in the world to do is play basketball. I'm the captain of the varsity team. Okay enough about me lets get back to my story........


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Love me or love me not! Prologue. I can't help but sit here

0 faves · Dec 26, 2011 9:47am




