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How "fatboy" ran the crib
I never shall forget him, this large and friendly man. He ran the storeroom where I work and kept the parts on hand. The first time that I met him in all his power and fame be smiled and said, "I'll have ya know that 'fatboy' is my name! I s'ppose yur wonderin', with my size, just how I get around? Well, buster I don’t have to move, to keep my stuff nailed down. If you should need some part or tool, we're carryin' in the back. I'll just tell ya how high to look and on which shelf or rack. Don’t let my gruff voice scare ya; I'm a helpful sort of guy! The Vaseline’s behind ya, pal. And belly-button high! I've broke my share of people in; I taught 'em wit and wisdom. It doesn't take a college boy to learn "the fatboy's system" just use a little common sense; you'll catch on in a while. Whatever that ya fail to find's cross-referenced in this file. I'm hangin' up my spurs this year. I'll teach ya all I know. I want ya to be lookin' sharp, 'cause you'll be in control! "Chief, yur style seems right to me; I like yur 'cut of jib'. You'll do okay. Just bear in mind, how "fatboy' ran the crib!"

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How "fatboy" ran the crib I never shall forget him,

0 faves · Dec 11, 2011 5:09pm




