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I really hurt her, my bestfriend. It was a fresh breakup and I didnt want to do it but she said it was ok. So I said yes to his question, "Will you go out with me?" She took her "permission" back. Is that right? Can she do that? She sobbed his name is my arms. Her sadness quickly changed to anger, then hate. She didnt want to see me again, hear my voice again, or my number calling her phone. I dont know why I still stood by him. He told me he loved me and I was a young girl, head over heals for him. I wish I never said yes, I wish I knew that saying those three letters would break one of the greatest friendships I've ever had. Luckly she forgave me when she found someone new... You dont know how thankful I am that he came in her life so she could come back into mine. I love you forever and allways Shawna<3

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I really hurt her, my bestfriend. It was a fresh breakup and

1 faves · 2 comments · Dec 6, 2011 6:42pm






LiveLaughLove2011 · 1 decade ago
psssh. i see how it is. <3
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shawnee357 · 1 decade ago
love you too hannie♥ and i love Jacob Welch even moore♥♥♥
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