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When you’re plus size woman, people like to say "yeah, she's cute in the face", as if being full figured is such a disgrace. Honey, I’m cute in the face, and I’m thick in the waist. I look good whether I’m in cotton, leather, or lace. I’m beautiful, vibrant and above all, smart! And there's more to me than my weight, I also have a heart. Yes my clothes may be a bigger size, that just means you have access to a bigger prize. We all are not self-consc ious about our weight, and we never have a problem getting a date. So don’t think your small frame gives you more pull, I’m a hot, sexy, curvy woman with a figure that's full. :) be proud of who you are. God made us all. im small but this is to remind everyone size doesnt matter 
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When you’re plus size woman, people like to say "yeah,

12 faves · Dec 3, 2011 8:15pm






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