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Dear Disney,
Create a plus-sized Disney princess.
One that's bald. Respresent for all the beautiful girls
out there fighting through cancer.
One that doesn't
have perfect hair, a perfect smile, and a perfect body.
So that little girls everywhere know, that even princesses
have imperfections (but what makes them beautiful,
is the person they are on the inside



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Dear Disney, Create a plus-sized Disney princess. One that's

692 faves · 6 comments · Dec 1, 2011 10:14pm






julie2552 · 1 decade ago
That's why I liked The Princess and the Frog. She was beautiful, but she didn't have money. She worked for what she wanted and I find her inspiring because she didn't cruise through life using her looks to fall back on.
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aureajoy · 1 decade ago
ever seen A Little Princess? that movie teaches you that every girl is a princess. then again it wasnt disney haha
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Ugfhhbyjnvcffg* · 1 decade ago
Okay, well Shrek is kinda like that. They live happily ever after even though they aren't perfect, it doesn't have to be Disney(:
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TooAwesomeForYou11 · 1 decade ago
yeah make it a princess who falls in luv bein a lezzi the others suk like dycks
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yourBackBonebroseph · 1 decade ago
a lesbian plus size princess who was a cancer survivor.
that right there.. yeah that's inspirational. if they actually made that princess, i'd have the back pack, the posterS, the bedsheets, the everything.. < 3
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cvnt* · 1 decade ago
This is great, if Disney were making Disney princesses anymore. They're not, really. Pretty much all the Disney princesses were created from original fairy tale's by the Brother's Grimm. They were created many, many, MANY years ago, too. I mean, they might still make Disney princesses, they just wouldn't be as well-known and impacting as the originals. :3 But if they would make an original fairy tale, they should also make a lesbian/gay princess/prince, to teach kids acceptance at a young age. :3
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