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Your Best Friend...
~the one you run to when a guy breaks your hurt...
~the one u tell everything too...
~the one person that will laugh at you when u walk into doors and u dont even care...the only thing you care about was did your
crush see it happen...
~the one that u can call in the middle of the night and you know they would awsner...
~the one that you get into ocasional fights with because your both too stuborn to admit that you were wrong...

yepp thats my best friend!! lol
lol ily moe!!! your always there for me!

(moe=my best friend jorjan lol we made up code names haha...im lairy<3)
rate high if u like<333
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Your Best Friend... ~the one you run to when a guy breaks your

0 faves · Jan 5, 2009 7:05pm




