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          Reading quotes from the young ones about 'falling in love' or that one person you like, its cute. Makes me smile, and it takes me back. Reading about the pain being inflicted on some people or their life events that make living hell--that breaks my heart.

          I don't know how I stumbled upon Witty to be honest, but I find it amusing and it's a way to kill time. Quite frankly some people post some interesting quotes on here. On the other hand some people come here to vent; looking for help or simply for an outlet. I never wanted to post anything on here, feeling too old to even BE on here. However, reading about how many people are suffering from horrible situations and dealing with it by cutting or by other means of hurting oneself, I felt the need to tell these people to stop. I am 20 years old and I know how stressful situations might be but there is always a way out, even when it seems like there isn't. If anyone needs any kind of moral support for any kind of problem, there are people who are willing to listen; I for one.


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Reading quotes from the young ones about 'falling in love'

0 faves · Nov 27, 2011 11:46pm




